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Newest trend cuts and color. Tell us you saw this on our website for a 10% off. Get your new look for the summer

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Satin Smooth
Satin Smooth waxes imported from Italy are developed with a unique blend of beeswaxes, which contains a natural antibiotic called propolis. All waxes have built in buffers to protect skin and eliminate the need for dusting powder or talc which minimizes hair breakage, giving you silky skin with long lasting results every time.

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Biotone Healthy Benefits Massage Creme
Healthy Benefits Massage Creme is a rich, thick formula with powerful anti-oxidants of Pomegranate, Green Tea, White Grape and Grapeseed. Known for their ability to protect and restore, these active botanical extracts deliver nutrients to the skin, promote healthy circulation and help fight free radicals.

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301 9th St.North WilkesboroNC28659United States
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